We are not a tobacco company.
We say what we mean and mean what say. We believe in the products we are selling, stand behind it firmly and use it on our daily lives.
Trulap promotes active lifestyles, keyword: [health] We are in the health and wellness space. We are strong advocates of being the best you can be. We believe that a healthy body correlates to a healthy mind, and with a healthy mind we help people be the best version of them self so their goals can be achieved.
There is nobody for you to compare to but yourself , and it is not a race. You must gradually improve yourself, micro gain by micro gain, 1 day at a time.
Time is of the essence, and it must be valued Trulap will help you preserve time and help keep you stay consistent in order to get to your destination.

The Trulap team, who had involved within the fitness space for years,
noticed that many big-name brands cut corners and took shortcuts, producing
products with intentional short life spans and warranties that were designed to
simply not cover.
The creation of Trulap was not an easy journey. We have spent countless
hours researching and developing prototypes.
Finally, after hundreds of prototypes and designs, the world's most compact
adjustable dumbbells were born. Trulap replaces 52 standard dumbbells with just
a simple set of 2, saving people space and money, and with a focus on a product that can last a lifetime.
Trulap is our brand and it's meaning is our mission.
The concept of a Trulap (true-lap) emphasizes completing the entirety of the task without cutting corners or deviating from the designated path. It implies a commitment to finish what we started, ensuring that the full distance, time, or tasks completed in order to achieve the goal.
Stay Tru To Your Lap!